Many common household items could potentially become hazardous under the right conditions. Awareness and proper maintenance can help prevent dangerous situations. Here are seven things in your house that could explode and tips on how to handle them safely:

1. Gas Stove

Gas stoves can leak natural gas, which is highly flammable. If you smell gas or hear a hissing sound near your stove, do not ignite anything. Open windows, turn off the gas supply, and call a professional to inspect it.

2. Old Furnace

Old or improperly maintained furnaces can develop gas leaks or mechanical issues that could lead to explosions. Ensure your furnace is inspected annually by a qualified technician to avoid such risks.

3. Aerosol Cans

Aerosol cans, such as those containing hairspray or cooking spray, can explode if exposed to high heat or flames. Never store aerosol cans near stoves, heaters, or fireplaces.

4. Swollen Laptop Batteries

Lithium-ion batteries in laptops can swell and potentially explode if damaged or overcharged. If you notice your laptop battery bulging, replace it immediately and recycle the old one properly.

5. Propane Tanks

Propane tanks for grills or outdoor heaters should be stored outdoors and away from direct sunlight. Check tanks regularly for leaks and ensure they are turned off when not in use.

6. Water Heaters

Poorly maintained water heaters can build up pressure and explode if the temperature is set too high or if safety valves fail. Check the pressure and temperature settings regularly and have the system inspected by a professional.

7. Pressure Cookers

Pressure cookers can be dangerous if not used correctly. Always check that the vent is clear and never overfill the cooker. Use according to the manufacturer’s instructions and handle with care, especially when releasing steam.

Safety Tips

To minimize the risk of explosions:

  • Regularly inspect and maintain appliances and devices.
  • Follow manufacturer guidelines for usage and care.
  • Keep flammable materials away from heat sources.
  • Install and maintain smoke and carbon monoxide detectors in your home.

Understanding the potential dangers in your home and taking proactive safety measures can help prevent accidents and ensure a safer environment for you and your family.