Springtime in Philadelphia is as vibrant as it is challenging for those with allergies. With trees and flowers blooming across the city, pollen becomes an unwelcome guest in many homes. However, with the right strategies, including adjustments to your HVAC system, you can create a haven of clean air in your home, minimizing the impact of allergies. This blog post will guide you on how to optimize your HVAC system for spring allergies and include additional tips, such as the importance of general cleaning and ensuring proper dryer venting, to keep your indoor air quality at its best.

Enhancing Your HVAC System for Allergy Season

  1. Upgrade to High-Efficiency Filters: Utilize HEPA filters or those with a high MERV rating for your HVAC system to trap pollen, dust, and other fine particles effectively.

  2. Seal Windows: Resist the temptation to open windows during high pollen days. Rely on your HVAC to circulate and filter the indoor air.

  3. Schedule Professional Maintenance: A pre-season check-up by services like McCorry Comfort ensures your system is clean, functioning efficiently, and ready to filter out allergens.

  4. Add Air Purifiers: For additional filtration, especially in areas where you spend most of your time, use air purifiers as an adjunct to your HVAC system.

  5. Control Indoor Humidity: Maintain humidity levels between 30-50% to discourage mold growth and dust mite proliferation, which are common allergens.

  6. Ensure Proper Home Sealing: Check for and seal leaks around doors and windows to prevent outdoor allergens from infiltrating your home.

Additional Tips for a Cleaner, Allergen-Free Home

  1. General Home Cleaning: Regular dusting, vacuuming with a HEPA filter vacuum cleaner, and washing of beddings and curtains can significantly reduce indoor allergens. Pay special attention to areas where pollen can accumulate, such as entryways and window sills.

  2. Correct Dryer Venting: Ensure your dryer is vented outside correctly, not just to comply with safety standards but also to prevent moist air from circulating inside your home. Moisture can encourage mold growth and increase indoor allergens. Regularly check the venting system for blockages or leaks, and clean the lint trap after every use to maintain proper airflow and efficiency.


The beauty of Philadelphia's spring should not be overshadowed by the discomfort of seasonal allergies. By optimizing your HVAC system and taking additional measures, such as thorough cleaning and ensuring proper dryer venting, you can significantly improve your home's indoor air quality. This spring, let your home be a sanctuary where you can breathe easily, free from the worries of pollen and other allergens.